Helping Nonprofits Raise Money: Rocket Raise


Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110 AM KTEK (on Bloomberg’s home in Houston) recently interviewed Zach Goldstein, CEO of Rocket Raise.

What do you do to help nonprofits raise money?

We provide consumer brands with a tool to engage consumers in their corporate giving to non-profits. We enable businesses to turn a portion of their corporate donations into a consumer driven marketing opportunity that builds awareness for the business and the non-profit. We also help non-profits that are without a sponsor to find one.

How is this different from other services?

Rocket Raise is a text messaging app that lets people support their favorite cause while they text. No other platform allows a brand to engage consumers every time they use their phone to send a text.

What does it cost and how do you charge a client?

We charge a flat setup fee of $5000 per campaign, followed by a success fee based on the size of the campaign.

What type of nonprofits are good customers for your firm?

The best non-profits for us are the ones who are excited about trying new technology to share their mission with the world.

Contact information. – 443.244.1993